Our independent consultants represent manufacturers & business providers who value the power of trusted personal relationships. Customers receive promotions & save by purchasing directly from our partners, consultants earn commission & partners increase their brand loyalty.

Welcome To Our Network Community!

Welcome to P2P Dental Connect. We are a referral network company that works through professional recommendations. We’ve created something special that we think you are going to want to be part of too. You’ll love the results we offer with our unique combination of advanced product knowledge from experienced dental professionals. Grow your business with us through product referrals and testimonials. We are actively recruiting dental office customers, independent sales consultants, and product and service business partners. If you want to join our team, contact us to learn about the opportunity for you.




"More Than A Kissing Spot"

Just released! The ground-breaking book by Shirley Gutkowski on the development of the face is a must for young parents, educating and supporting them in laying the foundation of their babies overall health, every birthing center in the world should have a copy, you can get yours here...

Our Services

  • Marketing

Our practice marketing solutions, positions our partners as the preferred experts in their communities, growing their businesses exponentially.

  • Representatives

Our network of representatives are connected, trained & committed to supply only the best solutions.

  • Practices

Our network supplies & services dental practices across the USA, with industry preferred solutions.

  • Suppliers

We work with new innovative suppliers to ensure we offer superior solutions & services.

Our Team

We are passionate about enriching the lives of our peers. Our goal is to work together and build personal freedom and healthier living. By offering customized business solutions to assure our partners success, we achieve our goal of helping their dreams come true. We live by the motto, “Basics, Balance & Belief,” Where positive living in balanced moderation for all things is valued.


Pamela Runge

FOUNDER - Pamela J. Runge, RDH, BS, MBA – Founder & President Motivated Entrepreneur, Leadership Training Skills, Business Consultant, Product Development, Professional Clinician


Tonie Konig

CGO - Digital marketing strategist, specializing in Trust Based Ranking, Lead Generation and Marketing Automation for Dental Offices, increasing website conversions and booked appointments.


Martin Handfield

MANAGING DIRECTOR & CSO - Martin Handfield, MS, PhD has a successful background in cutting edge research and development of products for the dental industry.


Mark Ross

CMO Results-driven business and brand strategist with over 30-years of experience, specializing in innovative, cost-effective digital strategies.


Lynn Pencek

DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION - Lynn Pencek brings a unique balance of industry knowledge, instructional design, and clinical experience.
With a 20 plus year employment with Orascoptic, Lynn experienced working for a company owned by a solo dentist grow into a Fortune 200 company.


Shirley Gutowski

DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT - Shirley Gutowski brings over 35 years of experience in dental hygiene, specializing in preventive care and patient education. Renowned speaker and educator, frequently presenting at national and international dental conferences.

About P2P Dental Connect

We are passionate about enriching the lives of our peers by working together to build personal freedom and healthier living. By offering customized business solutions to assure ALL our members success, we achieve our goal of helping their dreams come true. JOIN NOW!

3 Types of FREE Membership:

  • P2P Network Member Dental Practices & Clinicians

  • P2P Sales Representative Independent Marketers

  • P2P Business Associate Dental Products & Services

Gainesville, FL, USA

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